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Genesis College total rebuild

Bray Park, Queensland

Area: 25,000m2

Total field rebuild to include reshape, surveying new playing surface, irrigation, drainage, establishment and maintenance all within a 8 week window of the Summer school holiday.

Prior to starting turning dirt onsite we had to engage and comply with all Safety Documentation, Safety signage, Survey of current fields/surrounding land and engage Temporary fencing to the perimeter.

Field Preparation works:

  1. Glyphosate applications 2 at 7 days apart
  2. Deep Ripping in numerous directions 500mm deep to break up the underlying sub grader
  3. Blecavating in 3 alternative directions to turn soil into a fine tilt hand incorporate amendments
  4. Shape sub grade surface to achieve best playing field possible while marrying in with surrounding hard surfaces and creek run offs
  5. Swale drains had been modelled into the design and had been cut into the run off areas
  6. Sub surface drains installed into toe of the swale drains to further help water movement
  7. Irrigation system was installed to cover 100% of the 25,000 sqm turf area
  8. Turf sand was Imported and levelled over the top with GPS machine-controlled equipment
  9. Field was final trimmed
  10. 1Irrigation system was checked prior to turning
  11. 1Turf Starter fertiliser, bifenthrin residual insecticide and pre emergence was applied prior to turf install
  12. 1Turf installation 25,000 sqm was installed over 4 days, rolling cut in and tidy up throughout this process.
  13. The establishment period started with a program of 6 weeks of, inspecting, top dressing, mowing, fertilsing, weed and pest control and adjusting irrigation to suit the turf and weather requirements.

After surveying the field and calculating the soil available and imported turf sand the above design was engaged. As over 7,000 m3 of soil had to be moved, 2 dozers with machine control had been engaged to rough in the surface to +/-25mm with final trimming done with a tractor and laser box blade.

Soil being pushed around

Genesis College selected Hanceys Turf Premium Wintergreen couch wall to wall for all the area to cover the cricket field, soccer fields and athletics areas

At time of field handover the turf was ready for play and the kids to return to school.

12 months on and the field is being enjoyed by the kids